youthinc-rego Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Youth's Name *FirstLastDate Of Birth *Preferred NamesAddressParent/Guardian Name *FirstLastParent/Guardian Email *Parent/Guardian Phone *Alternate Emergency Contact Name *FirstLastAlternate Contact's Relationship To Youth *Alternate Emergency Contact Phone *Other Authorised PersonsRelevant Personal / Family / Custodial NotesPRIVACY INFORMATION – All the information recorded on this form is collected and managed in accordance with the PCV Privacy Policy. This information has been collected for the primary purpose of Warrnambool Presbyterian Church and may be used for any activities conducted or promoted by the Warrnambool Presbyterian Church. If you do not want this information to be used for any other purpose other than children’s programs, please notify us in writing or via email: Tim Reesink Permission To Participate In Program Activities *I ConsentI Do Not ConsentI consent to my child taking part in the approved program of activities for the Youth inC. There may be occasions when it is necessary to drive or walk children to activities outside of the normal meeting area in the church. I understand that this will only happen within the boundaries of the Safe Church Code of Conduct. I DO / DO NOT give permission for my child to be transported as arranged by the leaders of the above named group.Permission To View DVDs *I ConsentI Do Not ConsentI consent to my child viewing DVDs rated (G) General. I understand that all material will be previewed by a leader to check suitability. Permission To Be Photographed or Filmed *I ConsentI Do Not ConsentI give my permission for my child to be photographed or filmed. I understand that the image may be displayed in the church publications, church buildings or website including Facebook. I understand that as a precaution my child’s name will not be published or linked with photographs. Confidential Medical Details *Heart ConditionBlackoutsAsthmaSleepwalkingDiabetesOther – Please SpecifyNoneOther Medical ConditionsIs your child taking medication? *YesYes – and they self-administerNoMedicationsDoes your child have allergies? *No – NoneYes – PenicillinYes – Bee StingsYes – Other (Specify Below)Dietary & Other RequirementsOther comments/notes/questions Emergency Details Youth Would you like to receive weekly updates/reminders via email? *YesNoAuthorization *I AgreeI authorise the leader/s in charge of the above mentioned group where it is impractical to communicate with me, to arrange for my child to receive such medical or surgical treatment as the leader/s may deem necessary at any time during the activities of Warrnambool Presbyterian Church. I further authorise the use of Ambulance and/or anaesthetic by a qualified medical practitioner if in his/her judgement it is necessary. I accept responsibility for payment of all expenses associated with such treatment. I appreciate that every care will be taken by the leaders and those connected with that group cannot be held responsible for personal injury, loss or theft of property affecting my child. Authorizer's Name *Submit