sunday-club-rego Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Parent/Guardian Name *FirstLastParent/Guardian Email *Parent/Guardian Phone *AddressChild's Name *FirstLastPreferred Names Be Authorization taking School Year Level *Date Of Birth *Permission To Be Photographed or Filmed *I ConsentI Do Not ConsentI give my permission for my child to be photographed or filmed. I understand that the image may be displayed in the church publications, church buildings or website including Facebook. I understand that as a precaution my child’s name will not be published or linked with photographs. Confidential Medical Details *Heart ConditionBlackoutsAsthmaSleepwalkingDiabetesOther – Please SpecifyNoneOther Medical ConditionsIs your child taking medication? *YesYes – and they self-administerNoMedicationsDoes your child have allergies? *No – NoneYes – PenicillinYes – Bee StingsYes – Other (Specify Below)Dietary & Other RequirementsAny other notesAuthorization *I AgreeI declare that all the above information is accurate and that I am authorized to submit this document.Authorizer's Name *Submit