Who We Are

Meet our ministry teams

Ben Johnson

Senior Pastor
Ben came to Pastor WPC in January 2008 and his wife Louise is a secondary school teacher.

Now empty nesting with their three children in three different states, Ben and Louise look after a Red and Blue Heeler at home (Maggie and Indi).  They enjoy being active outdoors and being inside with books or film media.  

More than anything else, they love to see people come to know Jesus and enjoy the blessing of living in community with others as disciples of Jesus.

Shady Mehanni

Associate Pastor
Shady was born in Egypt and moved to Australia when he was in primary school.

Later in life he asked his girlfriend to Macca’s for their first date and Josie said yes, and later yes to being his wife!!! He grew up in the city but loves the country life and good coffee.

He loves the fact that one of the most freeing, stable things about being a Christian, is to know that your identity is not in your performance, not in what others think of you, but in what God freely gives you in Jesus. 
Shady loves to share that great news with others.

Casey Gellert

Women’s Pastoral Worker
Casey grew up traveling the globe – living on four continents before the age of 20! After becoming an adult, the lure of cross-cultural experience came calling again, and it was while teaching in Japan that she met her husband, Pete, at an English speaking church in Nagoya. Their adventure brought them to Melbourne and then to Pete’s hometown of Warrnambool in 2022 with their four children. 

She enjoys painting, anything crafty, relaxing to a good book, a good block of chocolate, a good cuppa (both tea AND coffee!), travelling, and taking in the sea air at our beautiful beaches. 
One of the many things that brings much joy and comfort to Casey is the family of Christ across the globe. No matter where she has gone, the Lord has brought fellow believers around her to bring hope and encouragement. She is looking forward to sharing this same hope and encouragement with the family of believers at WPC. 

Meet Our Elders

Back Row: Pete Hunter, Jonathan Town, Ben Johnson, Shady Mehanni
Front Row: David Hayward, Fraser Diack, Nick Attrill, Lindsay Ferguson, Damien Craig, Robert Prout

Meet Our Deacons

Marie Van Ravesteyn, Robyn Sharpe, Sara Philip, Emily Hunter

Board of Management

Back Row: Rowan Campbell, Marcia van Niekerk, Meg Craig, Ben Johnson
Front Row: Renee Wedale, Nick Attrill

What we value

The Bible as God’s inerrant Word to be read, taught and obeyed that we might glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
The Gospel of our Lord Jesus as the only way people can be saved and where we find every blessing.
Spiritual growth in all our members at all ages and stages of life so that we become more Christ-like.
Our Reformed and Presbyterian heritage and those who have laboured in this tradition in the city of Warrnambool.
Regular participation at our Sunday services where we enjoy the teaching of God’s Word, corporate prayer, and praise and fellowship with God’s people.
Small group discipleship as a vital means of spiritual growth.
Our community of faith where each member serves others in love and unity.
Prayer as an essential expression of our relationship with God and our dependence on his Spirit.
Demonstrating God’s love through works of service and social justice.
Sharing the gospel with individuals, the community and to the world so that those who don’t know Jesus might be saved.
The development of leaders and the training of God’s people for ministry.
Being engaged with the community of Warrnambool and being accessible and welcoming to all.

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